Abstracts of the 12th Scientific Assembly if the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomyсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Geoelectrical image of Ar-Pt boundary at the Baltic shield: studies of the Ladoga conductivity anomaly
Golubtsova N.,
Kovtun A.,
Kulikov V.,
Lozovsky I.,
Pushkarev P.,
Shustov N.,
Smirnov M.,
Sokolova E.,
Yakovlev A.,
Vagin S.,
Vardanyants I.
в сборнике Abstracts of the 12th Scientific Assembly if the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, место издания Mexico, Merida, тезисы, с. 108-108
Geophysical observatory at “Alexandrovka” base of Moscow University
Frolov V.,
Khmelevskoy V.,
Moilanen E.,
Palenov A.,
Pushkarev P.,
Shustov N.,
Yakovlev A.
в сборнике Abstracts of the 12th Scientific Assembly if the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, место издания Mexico, Merida, тезисы, с. 259-259