The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Hemorrhagic Transformation in the Treatment of Stroke with Tissue Plasminogen Activatorстатья Исследовательская статья

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1. Полный текст In this review article, we summarize the current knowledge of the functioning of various MMPs at different stages of ischemic stroke development and their association with HT. We also discuss the mechanisms that underlie the effect of tPA on MMPs as the main cause of the adverse effects of thrombolytic therapy. Finally, we describe recent research that aimed to develop new strategies to modulate MMP activity to improve the efficacy of thrombolytic therapy. The ultimate goal is to provide more targeted and personalized treatment options for patients with ischemic stroke to minimize complications and improve clinical outcomes. jpm-13-01175_Babenko_23.pdf 904,0 КБ 31 августа 2023 [BabenkoVA]