Аннотация:This chapter analyzes threats to psychological security caused by the malicious use of artificial intelligence (MUAI), including disinformation through deepfakes, interference in electoral processes with bots, and so on, in four BRICS countries—Brazil, India, Russia, and South Africa (China is examined in a separate chapter)—as well as the measures governments have taken to combat MUAI. Social challenges, such as low technical literacy among a significant part of the population, the growth of cybercrime, unemployment, etc., and psychological warfare against a backdrop of growing tensions in international relations, are factors in the growth of MUAI in the field of psychological security within BRICS countries. National governments are taking measures to combat “smart” psychological operations and eradicate the growth factors of these threats. Platforms for exchanging information are being created among BRICS countries, as well as projects aimed at combating MUAI directly, which may become the basis for a common policy in this area in the future.