Аннотация:The Arctic is an integrated system (physical, biological, and chemical) with itselements closely linked by its atmosphere, ocean, and land. The Arctic system hasexperienced significant changes over the past several decades. To better understandthe changes, causes, and consequences, it is important to regularly review andupdate the research progress of the Arctic system science. This book, drawing onthe most recent research results across the circumpolar regions, provides a comprehensive,up-to-date assessment of the key terrestrial components of the Arcticsystem, i.e., hydrology, permafrost, and ecology. The chapters written by theleading (invited) scholars carefully examine Arctic climate variability/change, largeriver hydrology, lakes and wetlands, snow cover and ice processes, permafrostcharacteristics, vegetation/landscape changes, and the future trajectory of Arcticsystem evolution. The discussions cover the fundamental features and processesof the Arctic system, with a special focus on the critical knowledge gaps, i.e., theinteractions and feedbacks among water, permafrost, and ecosystems, such assnowpack and permafrost changes and their impacts on basin hydrology andecology, river flow, geochemistry, and energy fluxes to the Arctic Ocean, and thestructure and function of Arctic ecosystem in response to changes in climate,hydrology, and permafrost conditions.This book focuses on Arctic hydrology, permafrost, and ecosystem, and theirkey elements and components. There are different definitions for the Arctic.A common delineation of the Arctic is the Arctic Circle. This definition ignoreslarge regions that experience the Arctic conditions but are outside this latitudinalmargin. On the basis of different components of the Arctic system, some alternativeboundaries have been suggested and used, such as North of 60° N, temperatureisotherms, permafrost distribution, tundra and taiga snow regions, vegetation patternor the tree line, and areas of surface water convergence and drainage into theArctic Ocean. In the recent Arctic Freshwater Synthesis program, the Arctic isdefined as the land areas contributing to the Arctic Freshwater System.